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  • Writer's pictureClayton Bodley

Male Feminists in the Church

Updated: May 9, 2022


Today, Feminism has deeply enslaved the USA. There are countless examples Feminists in civil government and the family. These women argue for total equality between men and women. Feminist ideology is taught in the Public Education system, and has resulted in millions of women over the past century to become leaders in companies, schools, civil government, family, and the church. It must be asked, why did Feminism become such a strong ideology and practice today? One reason is that there are Male Feminists. A Male Feminist is a man who supports Feminism. The church has naturally been slow at endorsing the trends of the world, and that comes from Scripture being the Supreme Authority of the church, and it is slow as well because the way church government is, in consisting of the different levels of church courts, heresies and evil works are condemned and the church is preserved. Sadly, there are many Male Feminist in the church today, and many are officers in the church. Accordingly, this paper will deal with Male Feminist and the Biblical solution, which is Biblical Patriarchy.

Male Feminists in Reformed Churches

Reformed and Presbyterians have historically been against Feminism, such honorable men as Robert Dabney, John Knox, Benjamin Warfield, and the list could go on and on. Abominably, Feminism has infected Reformed and Presbyterians over the last century., “I think it depends on what you mean by Feminism,” Carl Trueman says “ there are various Feminisms out there. The Feminism that got women to vote is a good thing, the Feminism that I am reading a book for this lecture on Saturday, Complete Surrogacy Now, that wants to see child rearing taken completely away from mom and dad and placed in the hands of the state is a very bad thing.”[Seen here] From his statement, Dr. Trueman states emphatically that he supports Feminism, and he is a sample of the majority of those that are Reformed and Presbyterians today, especially in the PCA and OPC. Accordingly, it is of equal wickedness when officers upbraid, rail at, mock, or threaten those faithful ministers who are justly teaching against the corruptions of the times (Jeremiah 26:7-11), as seen by the An Open Letter from Concerned Ministers and Elders in the OPC [Seen here]. In these instances, these men are Male Feminists, and they are even ministers within God’s church to make matters worse. Feminism must be rejected, for it is a Communist ideology, and in its place Biblical Patriarchy must be established. Feminism is totally contrary to God’s appointment of male headship in the household (Ephesians 5:22-23), the church (Titus 1:5-9), and the civil magistrates (Deuteronomy 1:13-18). You may ask, “What is the harm in being a Male Feminist?”. Feminism seeks to destroy Biblical Patriarchy and all other Biblical Ethics. But, what makes a Male Feminist worse than a female Feminist-- it is that the Male Feminist has effeminated himself. The Male Feminist has abdicated his authority and duties as the governor, and he submitted himself to the authority of the woman. The Male Feminist has given his strength to women: Proverbs 31:3 “Give not thy strength unto women, Nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings.

Effeminate Men Contrasted to Biblical Patriarchy

Men let women control them when men do not take charge administratively, first in the home, then once the home is lost the church follows, and the civil magistracy follows the church (Numbers 30:1-15). It is not the wife’s duty to plan everything, keep track of everything, and allocate who does what. These are the duties of the husband/father, for he is the “head of the wife” (Ephesians 5:23). The wife is to be in submission (Ephesians 5:22) and obedience (Titus 2:5) to her husband. The husband is especially to take oversight and plan for family godliness, such things he must plan for are: daily family worship, teaching the children God’s Word, praying for each person of the family, counseling them, and admonishing them when they are wrong (Genesis 18:18-19). Second, women control men when men let women in managerial roles, such as: governor, Sunday school teacher, program director, and every place outside of the home, since the woman is to be a homemaker (Titus 2:5). Thus, men need to tell their wives to be homemakers, as this the man’s God given authority and he is rightly to do so through God’s Word admonishing his wife to do her God appointed duty, that of a mother and homemaker (Ephesians 5:25-26). Third, men act effeminate when they let women be the determining factor for the church’s activities, such as: children’s church, women leading Sunday school classes, women preaching from the pulpit, women teaching at conferences and Bible colleges/seminaries, women writing theological books and works, churches focused on felt needs, and this list could fulsomely be elongated (1 Corinthians 14:34-35). When women teach from such things as: a pulpit, Sunday school, conference, or a seminary, they are exercising the authority only given to church officers. When they write theological works, such as Aimee Byrd and Rachel Green Miller, that is a controlling action of authoritatively teaching, which is only for church officers (Titus 1:9-13).

Strong, Biblical, and Patriarchal men and churches hold to Scripture alone as what determines how its doctrine and practice are--- these churches do not compromise, and they do not seek a via media, as that is idolatry (Deuteronomy 12:1-4). Biblical churches are marked by pastors who teach and preach every part of God’s Word, who do not cower down and timidly refrain to teach the places in God’s Word that are infuriating to the ungodly, such as the doctrine presented no, Biblical Patriarchy. Accordingly, pastors must preach God’s Word when it is cheerfully received and when it is reviled, and they are to “reprove, rebuke, and exhort” by holding uncompromisingly to every doctrine from God’s Word (2 Timothy 4:2; Titus 1:9-13). According to Ephesians 4:11-14, God gave pastors and doctors the duty to do all public teaching in the church. For, these officers were given to the church to do these duties, 1. to perfect the body, 2. the work of the ministry, and 3. to edify the body (Ephesians 4:12). The effects of their public ministry are: 1. uniformity in doctrine, 2. full knowledge of Christ, 3. complete manhood, 4. and a full maturity in Christ (Ephesians 4:13).

Conclusive Applications

Now to proceed to some applications, and first is that Feminism must be rejected by everyone, and officers in the church are to especially reject it (Psalm 139: 21-22). Ministers must boldly preach against the blasphemies, heresies, and corruptions of Feminism, and they must call out those who do scandalize God’s church with their persuasive and flatterous speech that deceive the weak and unlearned (Romans 16:17-18). Censures must be brought on those that teach and defend such heresies, for these men are Male Feminists (Titus 1:9-11). Pastors and sessions must be diligent in teaching their flocks about Feminism and these Male Feminists (Acts 20:28-32).


Byrd, Aimee. “An Open Letter from Concerned Ministers and Elders in the OPC.” Aimee Byrd., July 16, 2021. Last modified July 16, 2021. Accessed April 18, 2022.

Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. “2022 Spring Conference: Question and Answer #3.” 2022 Spring Conference. Lecture presented at the 2022 Spring Conference, March 10, 2022.

The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Appointed to Be Read in Churches. London, England: Trinitarian Bible Society, 2012.

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